Mariano’s Tastemaker — Chef Tony Priolo

By kikilu — April 04, 2014

Every month, Mariano's features a new chef as our Tastemaker showing shoppers how they truly shop the store. This video was the first time we broke tradition and ended upstairs at the West Loop store in Chicago actually cooking Chef Tony Priolo's (Piccolo Sogno) bolognese recipe. We shopped for the ingredients then made the sauce…then of course ate, including the crew. Let's just say, we've had a hard time going back to our old production ways and insist our Tastemakers actually show us a few tricks! 

What I really enjoyed was seeing Tony's version of bolognese because I grew up on my grandma's and have since created my own recipe that's now a staple in my family. Even better, Tony proves how simple it is to grab the inredients and cook at home. This is a "spread th love" meal because it feeds a crowd. Enjoy our latest production of Mariano's Tastemaker! 

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