Mariano’s Fresh Market Launches Chicago’s Tastemakers

By kikilu — May 23, 2013

If you follow me on any social media platform, then you know I've been involved on a huge project with Mariano's Fresh Market. On May 21, we launched Chicago's Tastemakers! As part of their ongoing campaign, each month Mariano's will feature a different chef, mixologist, or tastemaker and how they shop the store. As the official ambassador to Mariano's, I've selected the chefs and helped write their stories as well as host the series. To date, it's been the most exciting project I've worked on. They are chosen for their high level of service in the industry, their commitment to guiding shoppers and their specific knowledge of cuisine. Each chef brings something different to the mix. And there's so much to learn from each Tastemaker. 

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Shoppers will find recipes, tips, a Q&A and a video with each chef. Make sure to visit Chicago Tastemakers each month! 

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